
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Nature Sculptures - So Fabulous!

So after we did the Halloween sculptures, I thought it would be fun for them to create more sculpture, but this time using natural materials. My son and I went for a walk around our block and collected lots of sticks, leaves and rocks, and I supplemented these with another trip to the dollar store (my favorite!) for some more rocks and shells.

I also made some air dry clay from scratch from a recipe that I got from a recipe online which I can't seem to locate right now. I'm sure there are other recipes out there that will do the job if you want to make this project with your kids.

I gave them time to explore the clay, then encouraged them to use the natural materials to make a sculpture.

Then I put out paints for them to add color. They loved it!

Here are some of the amazing results!!

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