Sunday, June 27, 2021

Kinder"Garden" Collages

Just before we left for quarantine, kindergarteners spent a couple of months focusing on gardens in art. In preparation for our auction artworks that would have been available at the Spring Benefit (if we had stayed in school we could've completed them), the children had been drawing, printing, and collaging fruits, veggies, and flowers - expanding on the kindergarten theme of "KinderGarden" that year in their homeroom classes. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

New Posts from Before Covid Sent Us All Home... Starting with Faux-Stained Glass (1-3 grades)

So, as you all know, Covid sent us home mid-March of 2020. I never did post anything on here from that school year because I was posting the blog directly to the school's website. However, I am taking some time this summer to add some projects that I think were pretty great... for posterity. I will not post them all on this entry, but will start with one here and work my way through my photo files as I go.