Friday, June 5, 2015

My Elementary Moms are Awesome!

I had so many volunteers to help me with my sewing projects this semester and I really wanted to give them something special to say thank you. I found this terrific DIY online and tweaked it a bit to suit my tastes…

This is a mason jar filled with tons of preprinted questions you can ask your child to jump start a meaningful conversation (beyond the usual how was your day conversation). Questions like: "What was the first thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?" and "Who in your class is lonely?" The tags have a short instruction on how to use the jar and I printed up labels along with them and mod podged them on the front and sides. I used rainbow yarn to tie on the notes and add a little bright color.

The Key Jars ready to be wrapped

I hope they get a lot of use out of these over the years!

Ready for delivery!

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