Monday, November 7, 2016

Autumn Soup Sensory Play Day, Yay!

In my research on what to do with the lambies a couple of weeks ago I came across this post from And Next Comes L. She created a sensory play bin with these acrylic leaves on Amazon.

I thought using these and adding orange food coloring to the water was a great idea for a sensory bin. In the past I've had great success with watery sensory bins with the lambies - they really can play with these for an hour or more!  See this post for another awesome activity along these lines.

Anyway, I spent the morning collecting a variety of fall tree stuff in my neighborhood - think acorns, spiky balls, red maple leaves, and other interesting things that fall off the trees to add to the acrylic leaves and orange "broth" to have more sensory varietals in their activity.

Before we started class that day the staff read the lambies a book about why leaves change color. Then we went for a walk around the block collecting fall leaves from the ground to supplement what I had brought. That part was really fun as the lambies were super excited when they found a yellow leaf, a really big leaf, or really anything at all! 

Once we were finished with that we headed back to the school and the lambies went to one of three watery bins that were set up with the "ingredients" in small bowls next to the orange-y water. 

They were told that they could dump in their ingredients at then stir up their soup and serve it up in the bowls that were provided. They each brought in a ladle or other large spoon from home that day (I just don't have enough of those for so many little ones!). 

They had so much fun pretending to make their soup...

… and share it with friends!

And I loved watching this little guy just playing with the water and watching it drip, pour and splatter!

So much autumn-y fun!

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